Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Megabyte Mugg

Ah, who could forget a villain like Megabyte. Charismatic, poised and enunciates quite well. Too bad Tony Jay will never get to see this.

Sketched on the Mugg. I was torn between drawing the nose on his face, or actually sculpting it. But since my sculpting skills are not the best, I opted for drawing it on.
His back. There aren't many references for his rear, so I referenced it from the character sketch in the Reboot art book. That version included wires connected to his back, which I was also tempted to add, but felt it wouldn't be true to the show version.
Blue, gray and yellow paint to enhance all the metallic layers I'll have to be putting on.
All the painted layers. Gold, silver and metallic blue (which took a hard time getting right). The blue doesn't look that shiny, but in person, it really does. His eyes also need to be adjusted, as he simply looks psychotic.
Eyes fixed, mouth line draw in, and head fin molded and painted. Sean helped with the fin, as I didn't want to chance using clay again, so he suggested that Mighty Putty stuff. It ended up working really well, but began hardening within 10 minutes, so it looks a tad bit lumpy. The two things stopping me from using this stuff again is that 1. it's expensive, and 2. it smells like ass rubbed in dead fish.

The top of his head fine. You can see some of the shininess in the blue, but it's still a lot better IRL. One of the hardest Muggs I've ever had the pleasure of doing.

I got asked to do everyone's favourite blue Guardian from Reboot, Bob.

I started doing things the smart way and actually sketching the Mugg on paper before putting it on the Mugg itself. Made things a lot easier for me to follow and correct.
Skin tone done. It seems a bit dark in the picture, but I promise you it's a lot lighter. My camera just really sucks.
Orange bits done.
Most of the suit done. It took me forever to get those blue-green shades perfect. Also added more yellow to the orange so that it wouldn't look so red.
Bob's back. You can see his gauntlets are painted silvery. It took me exactly 6 coats of silver paint to actually make it look decent. Note: always paint gray on as the first layer.
Drew on Glitch with Sharpie, as I didn't trust myself with a paintbrush to make it look decent.
Boots, PID and belt are done, and finished the outlines. He's still missing eyebrows.
Hair molding time! I threw away 10 bucks just to use ol' Predator as a guide for molding, using Crayola Air-dry clay. As you can see, I don't really like the Predator at all (IMHO, he's a douche)
Right side.
Left side.
Sadly, when the hair all dried in the morning, it had all fallen off Predator's head and became impossible to piece all of the dreads back together. This is attempt number 2 at hair, molded directly onto Bob's head.
Success! It dried, and although one or 2 piece seemed to be crumbling off his head, a little glue and paint for cover-up worked wonders. As I mentioned above, dark grey was painted on first, and then 2 coats of silver paint.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dark Naoko Mugg

I did a combination of these two, since I didn't want to paint a completely black Mugg.

The pencil work was probably the most fun to do, and it was also one of the most difficult outfits to draw.

Let the painting begin! The top and metal bits first.

Then the eyes and gauntlets.

Outline the hair to actually make it more neat this time.

The completed thing. The orbs were made of Sculpey and were painted with blue glow-in-the-dark paint, as were the eyes as well. I had wanted to give her black claws on the ends of her fingers as well, but that fell through really quickly when I couldn't make the Sculpey work how I wanted.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Croakter Mugg

Croakter, Anuran engineer who takes pleasure in the company of robots and machines. Also equipped with poisonous tongue and currently gender issues. Infinite Vector character belonging to Robert.

Gold eyes and buttons, and 3 layers of orange paint. His overalls are going to look nice and spiffy and I'm liking his goofy grin already.

Fancy blue overalls, after 4 layers of blue paint.

The back of his overalls. It's hard to get anything centred on these Muggs.

Completed Crokater, with 7 layers of blue, white gloves and silly smile. All ready to fix stuff!

Detail of his pants and pockets: gold-ink marker as "stitching". What's not pictured is the tiny wrench I made for him, from a tiny wrench Sean had with some Sculper molded onto the handle so that it would fit in his hands.